Anyways, this is the invite to Jathan's 1st Birthday Party.

Jeannine and I are so looking forward to it. Jeannine more so as she's arranging everything and comes home everyday so excited on what's been organised and how awesome the day's going to be.
I went to the shops yesterday to get him a winnie the pooh outfit (that's the theme) but couldn't find an outfit for boys. All I found was spider man, lion king, cars- you know BOYS STUFF. So we like to dress our boy like a fruitcake. He he he, just kidding, he'll take you out any day!!
We just can't believe he's almost 1. WE often catch him standing by himself and soon he's going to be running around like a loonie. Can't wait, but for now he's on all 4's like speedy around the house.